Focus Spray (For Study Meditation)
Product details
Focus Spray launched specially for students, meditators and healers who need to focus but are unable to do so or need strong concentration. Students during their exam days go through a lot of pressure and are unable to concentrate on their studies. This spray can help them a lot and has the capability of creating an energy shield around them which shields off all the negative energies heading towards the mind provides the students with a good hours of focused studies. People who find it very difficult to meditate and bring their entire consciousness at the desired point have found it very useful. It has helped them to meditate and shed off the thought cloud showering in their minds rapidly leading them to the state of DEEP MEDITATION. It's use is same as the other sprays as one just has to spray its lightly on the palms, forehead, backhead and spinal cord so that it covers all the seven major energy center known as chakras. Our auras, or energy fields, interact constantly with the energy of others. It's not uncommon for us to take on some of the energy of other people. When our auras are harbouring unwanted energies, we may feel tired, down, unbalanced, depressed, anxious, "not quite ourselves," or even ill. We need to disconnect or release the psychic cords/links connected to the people due to connection of links with other people because of emotional link or have spent time with the group of people whose energies does not match with your vibrations which will lead you not to be focussed upon your work(s). It is very useful For people who have an active spiritual practice. Meditation helps with emotional and physical issues. It is important to meditate regularly. Find a quiet space and sit in a comfortable position. Spray this FOCUS/Meditation Spray around you sit and be calm. It is great to use before meditation to raise the energy frequency of the energy field. For people who are going through deep, painful lessons and have a lot of draining energetic cords that need to be dissolved. For kids, teens and teachers when they get home, after spending hours in a low vibrational school environment. For kids, teens and teachers when they get home, after spending hours in a low vibrational school environment. very usefui for focussed mind a with a deep concentration for studies, performing any task or for doing meditation. These Powerful Sprays are perfect for Healers, Self Development, Meditation, Healing work, Energy work, for Complimentary Therapists, Yoga or for rest and relaxation.