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Sun Stone Ball

Sun Stone Ball

Weight: 347 gm

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Sunstone is a type of feldspar mineral known for its unique and striking appearance. It is named for its warm and radiant colors that resemble the sun’s glow. Here are some key points about sunstone:

  1. Color and Appearance: Sunstone comes in a variety of colors, including shades of orange, red, brown, and even shades of green. It often exhibits a phenomenon called aventurescence, where tiny metallic inclusions, usually hematite or goethite, create a sparkling effect known as “schiller” or “aventurescent shimmer.”
  2. Aventurescence: The schiller or aventurescent shimmer seen in sunstone is caused by the reflection of light from these mineral platelets. This gives sunstone its characteristic appearance of a glittering play of colors.
  3. Geological Origin: Sunstone is typically found in igneous rocks, particularly in feldspar-rich pegmatites. It’s primarily composed of a type of feldspar called oligoclase, often with inclusions of other minerals like hematite or copper.

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